Monday, December 10, 2007

Types of Diamonds

There are many different types of diamonds or diamond shapes. You get faceted diamonds which include Round diamonds, Square( princess cut diamonds) Radiant cut diamonds(which are square diamonds with cut corners), oval diamonds, cushion cut diamonds, and marquise and pear shape diamonds. Then you have the step cut diamonds which are diamonds that you can see through, these include Emerald cut and Asscher cut diamonds.

You should only ever purchase a genuine diamond that has grown naturally form the earth, never buy a man made diamond they are cheap and worthless with no demand at all. Some people try and sell clarity enhanced diamonds, you are better off purchasing a Cubic Zirconia than a clarity enhanced diamond, they are virtually worthless.

Diamonds that you purchase for an engagement ring should be certified or graded by an authority independent from the company you are purchasing from, be very sure to only purchase a GIA certified diamond, GIA only!!! Do not get fooled by other grading certificates you are being taken for a ride if you purchase anything other than GIA.

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